Judkins Park Renovations Project - Kick-Off Survey

The restrooms, play area, and spray park at Judkins Park are going to be renovated to enhance accessibility and inclusivity.*** SPR is seeking community input that will inform the new area's design, features, and aesthetic.

Please answer the questions below to let us know what you currently like about the park and how we can design the renovation to best meet the community's needs.

The survey takes 5-minutes, is anonymous and you don't have to answer every question. We will use the data to inform renovations at Judkins Park.

***The project is contingent on additional funding. The project team is actively pursuing grants and fundraising opportunities.

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* 1. How often do you visit Judkins Park?

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* 2. What park amenities will be important to you and your family at Judkins Park? (Check all that apply)

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Current Play Equipment:

Picture of the existing play equipment at Judkins Park.

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* 3. What do you like about the existing play area and its arrangement? Check all that apply.

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* 4. What improvements do you think are most needed at Judkins Park?

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* 5. What type of programming interests you the most for your family at Judkins Park? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. How would you like to see the history of Judkins Park and the Central District neighborhood incorporated into the design?

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33% of survey complete.